Cutter knife ECO CUT foldable: with changeable blade, incl. 5 spare blades, ergonomically shaped bamboo grip, belt clip
- Тезхина
- 0,117 kg
- Земља порекла
- China
- Царина бр.
- 8211 9300 000
Jackknife BAMBOO BLADE : foldable, stainless steel with bamboo grip
- Тезхина
- 0,064 kg
- Земља порекла
- China
- Царина бр.
- 8211 9300 000
11-piece pocket knife BAMBOO HELPER : with scissors, big saw, small saw, knife, can opener, bottle opener, cork screw, awl, file, hole puncher and Phillips screwdriver, incl. key ring, stainless steel with bamboo grip
- Тезхина
- 0,100 kg
- Земља порекла
- China
- Царина бр.
- 8211 9300 000
Pocket knife BAMBOO HIT : foldable, wide blade, with belt cutter and emergency hammer, belt clip, stainless steel with bamboo grip
- Тезхина
- 0,090 kg
- Земља порекла
- China
- Царина бр.
- 8211 9300 000
x11-piece pocket knife ALL TOGETHER with pair of scissors, knife, 1 large and 1 small saw, can opener, bottle opener, corkscrew, nail file, pricker, hole maker, and screwdriver, packed in a gift box
- Боие
- 4 Боие
- Земља порекла
- China
- Царина бр.
- 82119300000
Emergency pocket knife DISTRESS with integrated belt cutter, emergency hammer, blade and clip, packed in gift box
- Боие
- 3 Боие
- Земља порекла
- China
- Царина бр.
- 82119300000
Cutter knife SLIDE IT : sliding mechanism with spring, replaceable blade, coloured plastic casing with eyelet to hang on the grip end
- Боие
- 6 Боие
- Земља порекла
- China
- Царина бр.
- 82119300000
Pocket knife STRONG HELPER , 12 pcs: with knife, saw, scissors, can opener, cork screw, bottle opener and slotted screwdriver, cross-head screwdriver, punch and reamer, sewing awl, scaler, nail file, and carabiner
- Боие
- 4 Боие
- Земља порекла
- China
- Царина бр.
- 82119300000
Jackknife HUNTSMAN : wide stainless steel blade, wooden decorations on handle, with belt clip, in wooden case
- Земља порекла
- China
- Царина бр.
- 82119300000
Džepni nož TRIO sa otvaračem za konzerve, za flaše, za vino, mali nožić, privezak za ključeve, odvrtka
- Земља порекла
- China
- Царина бр.
- 82119300000
Veliki nož METALLIC od inoxa
- Земља порекла
- China
- Царина бр.
- 82119300000
* = Цена по 1 комаду нето, плус трошкови завршне обраде, транспорт и ПДВ.